Frequently Asked Allotment Questions

How much does a plot cost?

The cost varies depending on the size of the plots. A small plot is about £20 to £25 a year, a larger one up to £60 or so. The plots on Sparrow Lane and Mereheath Lane tend to be bigger than the ones on Warren Avenue, so will tend to be more expensive. If you are over 65 there is a reduction in the fees.

When do I pay?

You will receive a bill in August or September from the Treasurer for the following 12 months site fees. These are paid by cheque or bank transfer.

How long is the current waiting list?

Currently the waiting lists are quite long, they have increased during the COVID crisis as more people have wanted to grow their own food. The minimum wait is probably a year at the moment and depending on which site you want and the type of allotment you want the waiting list could be several years.

How do I obtain an allotment?

Fill in the application form.

Are allotments easy or hard-work?

In the last few years growing your own veg, fruit and flowers has become very fashionable thanks to shows like The River Cottage with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. What these shows fail to tell you is that an allotment is hard work. However there is a wonderful variety of rewards that can be found on an allotment, the crops are usually healthier and tastier than shop bought. The allotment gives you an excuse to be outdoors enjoying the fresh air and at the same time keeping you fit.  It also gives you a chance to experience nature and its season and watch your crops grow from a seed to maturity.

What can I grow?

That is up to you. People commonly grow: Potatoes, Onions, Spring Onions, Radish, French Beans, Beetroot, Parsnips, Turnips, Cole Rabi, Sprouts, Cauliflower, Cabbage (all varieties) Peas, Runner Beans,  Celery, Artichokes, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Chillies, Peppers, Marrow, Courgette, Squash, Sweet Corn, Leeks, Chives, Shallots, Carrots, Kale, Chard, Spinach, Lettuce, Rocket, Apples, Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Gooseberry’s, Red currents, Black Currents, White Currents, Raspberries, Rhubarb, most herbs and a vast assortment of flowers. Increasingly people are growing plants that attract bees and other insects and natural pest control insects. Some people have a wildflower area and a pond. It is fine to give over a proportion of your allotment to flowers – but best to plant flowers that are good for the bees and other pollinators

Can I keep chickens?

Yes you can, but if you do they need to be made very secure. Also chickens need to be tended to a couple of times a day, so you need to be realistic about whether you have that time available.

I have a problem to do with my allotment, who do I contact?

In the first instance talk to your site rep, he or she is there to help.

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