Minutes of the Knutsford Allotment Society Annual General Meeting 2024
Held on Thursday 19th of September 2024 at the Angel Hotel Knutsford
Committee Present: Steve Dutton (Chair), Joe Godden (Site rep Warren Avenue and minute taker), Graham Thornley (Treasurer), Bev Roberts (Events organiser), Paul Jackson (Site Rep Sparrow Lane)
Apologies: Angie Frogatt (Secretary)
Present: Jackie Cowhards, Kathryn Lake, Sikha Dutton, Christine Barwell, Patrick and Joy Jones, Mary and David Birchall, Jim and Lillian West, Martin Attwood, Justine Stevens, Andrew Heather, Helen Jackson, Helen Brownlie, Christine Sims, Mary Marsden, Stewart Blunstone, Margaret Thornley, Joanne Wooler, Pauline Callaghan Yates, Michelle Gledhill, Sally Bennett, Mike Wilding, Christine Masson
Apologies: George Walton
- Minutes of the 2023 AGM were approved as a correct record, there were no matters arising
- Talk by Peter Lofthouse (Judge of the best kept allotment competition). Peter talked about how in the early part of the year the weather had been very challenging, however in spite of all the problems allotmenteering is good for “well-being” and some good crops had been produced this year. Peter was thanked for his talk and the work in judging the allotments
- Chair’s report: Steve thanked the committee for their work. He reported a new clause in the tenant agreement that bans firearms and other weapons. Joe Godden thanked Steve
- Treasurer’s report: Graham reported a healthy surplus of £8391.97 and stated there would be no increase in fees this year, however after several years of zero increase in fees it is likely that fees will need to increase next year. There was a question about the Tabley Allotments (Redrow). Information was given that The Council and Allotment Committee will not be taking them on until we are confident that the flooding situation has been ameliorated.
- Secretaries Report: Angie was unable to attend. Her report will be included in the minutes when published on the web site.
- Election to the Committee: Paul Jackson elected as rep for Sparrow Lane, Jackie Edwards, Kathryn Lake and Sikha Dutton elected as joint reps for Meerheath, Joe Godden for Warren Avenue, Steve Dutton (Chair), Graham Thornley (Treasurer), Angie Frogatt (Secretary) Bev Roberts (Events). The above proposed by Sally Bennett, seconded Helen Brownlie
- Site reps reports:
- Sparrow Lane: Paul said asbestos had been removed, a shed accidently burnt down and a new remarkable wattle and daub shed built
- Warren Avenue: The flooding of the majority of the plots has been a major issue all year, with some plot holder giving up and others not able to work their plots properly. There has also been some petty theft and vandalism and fly tipping – including vast quantities of unsolicited manure
- Mereheath: There has been flooding again from the road, two shed fires. Bees have been returned to Mereheath, a tidy up working group undertook work behind the plots
- Prize giving: Warren Avenue: Third place Bev Hill, second place Michael Sutcliffe, first place – Jo Wooler, Claire Brabbins and Angie Frogatt
Sparrow Lane: Third Place Kath Davies and Mary Birchall, Second Place Michael Pye, First Place Jane Noble. Best newcomer – Julie Parr
Mereheath: Joint Second – Gill Jackson and Jackie Edwards, first place David West
The overall winner for the three sites: Jane Noble
The above were congratulated for their work and presented with certificates and monetary prizes
General discussion:
There was discussion about controlling rabbits – although it was reported disease is decimating the rabbit population, how do deal with excess water from water storage (suggestions included building a pond). Last year there was a proposal that army veterans that need accessible allotments should be given priority, however nobody has been suggested. A proposal to ban bonfires was not agreed as it had been rejected last year, however it was agreed that bonfires should be kept to a minimum, confined to winter and only using dry materials.