Minutes of the 2022 AGM

AGM Knutsford Allotment Society

Meeting Minutes

8th September 2022

Present: John Ross, Chairman, Joe Godden, site manager, Denis Prest, site manager, Raye Brooke, events.
Apologies: Bev Roberts, Graham Thornley, Margaret Thornley, George Walton.


  1. Announcements

Welcome to all present, followed by a one-minute silence to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

  1. Discussion

The Chairman continued by thanking our past secretary Michelle Gledhill for her work over the past years, and Margaret Thornley for taking over as temporary secretary. We still require a secretary and a Chairman. John Ross is standing down as Chairman after six years.

Joe Gooden made a vote of thanks to John Ross for his services to KAS over the last six years.

Treasurer’s report – Graham Thornley due to a last-minute accident at his home was unable to give his report. The Chairman went through the balance sheet for the last year. Copies were given out we now have £8,969.85 in credit.

Sparrow Lane report by Denis Prest. A raised bed has been made with sleepers, with grants having been obtained.

The bed was constructed by Denis and other member plot holders and filled with topsoil. Another plot was created for children by Cathie Davies from St Vincent’s Primary school. The raised bed is being prepared for wheelchair users, so more work is needed on the pathway.

Mereheath and Warren Ave had no issues to report. Asbestos removed and stones for pathways purchased.

Election of committee members who agreed to stand again, all voted in.

  1. Talk by a member from the National Allotment Soc. John Irwin

KAS are considering that we join, there are many advantages to us joining, including membership would help us to obtain a constitution which should help us to obtain grants.

A vote of hands was taken and this was favorable, further inquiries will be made, the cost is £3 per person.


  1. Prize Giving – Raye Brooke

Presented by the Judge Peter Lofthouse

In spite of the weather at the beginning of the year, most plot holders were out attending to their plots.

In July many photos were taken of the plots which you can see at the back of the room to help when the Judging came about in August. The variety of plants was most impressive and the inclusion of Biodiversity items in many plots.

This year the marks were very competitive. The Shield was won by two members with the same points mark of 73.

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