Flooding Warren Avenue Allotments

There has been increased flooding of Warren Avenue allotments in the last few years. This year this started in October and has been worse than previous years. The issue was discussed at a Meeting with Knutsford Council and a site visit was arranged, which included a representative from Redrow. A number of issues are being...

Minutes of AGM September 2023

Knutsford Allotment Society AGM – Minutes Held at the Angel Hotel on the 21/9/23 @ 7.30pm in the Function Room. Committee members present- Steve Dutton – Chairman Graham Thornley- Treasurer. Raye Brooke, Julija Taberner, Denis Prest   Committee members apologies- Angela Smith Joe Godden Plot holders apologies- Jim Hart, Joe Nixon, John Bentley, Norman Cash,...

AGM 2023 and Site Registration Form

KNUTSFORD ALLOTMENTS SOCIETY   Acting Chairman.     Stephen Dutton. 17 Mereheath Lane, Knutsford. WA16 6AN. Treasurer.                Graham Thornley. 38 Valley Way, Knutsford. WA16 9AY. Acting Secretary.     Angela Froggatt.  25 Aylesbury Close, Knutsford. WA16 8AC.   Website                   www.knutsfordallotments.co.uk     Annual General Meeting will be held on THURSDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023 at 7.30 pm in the Function...

Membership of the National Allotment Society

At the AGM in September it was agreed to pursue joining the National Allotment Society. There are a number of benefits for Knutsford Allotment Society and its members. The benefits can be seen here Membership Benefits – The National Allotment Society – National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd (nsalg.org.uk) At the Committee meeting...

Minutes of the 2022 AGM

AGM Knutsford Allotment Society Meeting Minutes 8th September 2022 Present: John Ross, Chairman, Joe Godden, site manager, Denis Prest, site manager, Raye Brooke, events. Apologies: Bev Roberts, Graham Thornley, Margaret Thornley, George Walton.   Announcements Welcome to all present, followed by a one-minute silence to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Discussion The Chairman...

Open post

Allotment Society AGM

The Knutsford Allotment Society AGM is being held on Thursday September 8th. Time: 7.30 Venue: The Angel Hotel, King St, Knutsford. All welcome. The agenda has been included in members letters of renewal of fees. We are hoping to have a speaker from the National Allotment Society, but this has yet to be confirmed. We...

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